Easter Social Giveaway 2021

Easter Social Giveaway 2021

The Easter bunny has come early, so we’d like to give you the chance to win this bundle of happiness from Cadbury. Just hop on over to any of our social media platforms and follow the instructions to enter on each of the platforms. Facebook Link =...
Making tech mine you money!

Making tech mine you money!

We’re sure you’ve all heard about Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin by now, as it’s hitting the news in 2021 and becoming more and more mainstream knowledge. However, you may be asking yourself – What is Cryptocurrency and how is it used? Hopefully, we will be able to answer...
Walking 9-5!

Walking 9-5!

At the beginning of September, when we took for granted being able to walk with multiple friends (thanks Corona!), we decided that as a group of fit, healthy & (reasonably!) young people, we should be doing more than just the day to day, and try to make a...
McMillan Coffee Morning 2020

McMillan Coffee Morning 2020

QUESTION: How can you eat obscene amounts of cake without feeling guilty? ANSWER: Do it for charity! On Monday the 28th of September we hosted a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Yes, we were a few days late, but the wet and windy weather (cheese)...
Suffolk Sunrise 2019

Suffolk Sunrise 2019

Some of the team recently attended their yearly stint at the Suffolk Sunrise for Action Research. Every year we have a fantastic time helping the charity put together their 100m ride in Suffolk. This year we had the pleasure of help from Hayley (our accounts team) and...
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